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Instagram Screenshot: When Does Instagram Notify You? | Can You Screenshot Instagram Stories?



Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot A Story: Instagram is a wide and popular social media networking platform that has more than 1 billion active users monthly and has a huge impact on the audience. People use Instagram to interact with each other, share their stories and views and also update information about their daily happenings.

Instagram started its journey as an app to share photos and still, it is the main purpose. Yet, today; Instagram Stories is the hugely accepted and most loved feature of it. Instagram stories tend to have a huge engagement by the audience.

People love to share their live feeds and also love to know about others. Many of us like to capture and save others’ memories or stories and we do take screenshots of others’ stories. But have you ever wondered, if they get to know when you take screenshots of their story?

Does Instagram has the feature to tell people that you are secretly taking a screenshot of their story or to let you know if the audience is interested in your story! Let’s find out.

In this article, you will find contents that include:

Is there an Instagram screenshot notification?

Yes, Snapchat introduced the feature of alerting people when someone screenshots your story. A user can send you private messages or pictures, and if you post a story, you can easily see who has viewed your story and find out who took the screenshot. This feature was designed to protect users’ privacy by informing them whenever someone took a screenshot. Instagram Screenshot Notification Alert However, in 2018, Instagram also introduced the same feature where it started notifying people when someone took a screenshot of their Instagram story. Users who screenshot your story will be marked by a small icon. Nevertheless, the people weren’t interested in this feature, and the main reason for this was that no one cared if people took screenshots of their stories or not.

Can Users See When You Screenshot Instagram Stories in 2022?

Because of the low reception of this feature, which notifies people when someone takes a screenshot of their story has been removed from the app. Thus, Instagram does not notify you if another user takes a screenshot of your story or if you take one of theirs.

Does Instagram notify you when someone screenshots an Instagram disappearing photo?

On Instagram, you won’t be notified of taking a screenshot of someone’s story; however, if you take a screenshot of a disappearing photo sent to you in a direct message, the sender will be informed that you took the screenshot. This will be indicated by a starburst icon beside the disappearing photo.

Does Instagram notify you when someone screenshots Instagram messages?

Instagram will indeed let your friends know when you take a screenshot in a private conversation (commonly known as DM) if it is enabled with a disappearing feature. But if you are taking screenshots of the regular text or chats and images, the person won’t get notifications. Does Instagram Notify when you take screenshot

Do Instagram Notify When You Take A Screenshot of a Post?

Never, Users who are taking any screenshot of posts or videos can easily do it as it won’t alert the opposite person like sending an alert notification for screenshots of photo or video post. Also, you can happily use video screen recording to save the video posts of your friends or influencers without letting them know.

How Does Instagram Tell Users of DM Screenshots?

If anyone of your friends or followers screenshotted a photo or chat on disappearing messages then Instagram will send a popup notification to a user’s phone. On your device notification bar, you will see the message mentioned below.

instagram notification when take a screenshot of disappearing message

Also, there is one more indication that Instagram will give when it has been screenshotted. That is a small starburst icon will occur beside the photo that has been screenshotted and it is shown like this: 

small indicator that shows user take a screenshot after disappearing photo

FAQs on Can Someone Tell If You Screenshot a Story or Post in Instagram

1. Can we take screenshots of Instagram Story? 

Yes, you can take screenshots of any images or videos from Instagram stories and posts that you want to keep on your device.

2. Will people get to know if we take screenshots of their Instagram stories? 

No. Earlier Instagram does have the feature of letting people notify when someone takes a screenshot of their story. However, later; Instagram removed this feature and as of 2022, users won’t receive notifications for the same.

3. How to Screenshot an Instagram Story Without Getting Caught?

To take screenshots of the Instagram story:-

Step 1: Open Instagram

Step 2: Take the profile that has the story that you want to take a screenshot of.

Step 3: To see the story, tap on the profile picture.

Step 4: Click on the screenshot command before it disappears and save it on your device.

4. Does Instagram send you notifications if people take screenshots of your profile?

It is sometimes helpful to get a screenshot of a user’s profile or bio to save their website or contact details. And Instagram does not notify users if you take screenshots of their profiles.

5. How to stop people from taking screenshots of my profile? 

If you want to stop Instagram users who aren’t among your followers from stealing your photos or screenshotting your profile, you should consider making your profile private. This will at least save your profile from strangers. However, your friends and followers will still be able to view your profile and screenshots of it.

6. Does Instagram Notify People When You Do Screen Record The Stories?

The app does not notify users when they screen record videos in their posts and stories. This also applies to private messages.


As of today, Instagram no longer notifies you when someone screenshots your story, but that doesn’t mean the feature won’t return in the future. So when you intend to take screenshots of people’s stories, do respect their privacy.

We hope you get an exact answer to Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot A Story Query. For more like this, stay in touch with our website and do fix all your issues on Instagram & clear the doubts about IG Posts, Stories, Reels, IGTV, Insta Captions.

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