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Motivational Novels For Students in English | Brilliant Novels that Every Student Must Read



Novels for Students: Reading is the best way to learn. And one of the best ways to focus and create something is to read anything not related to your professional goal.

Try reading autobiographies, fictional books, spiritual books anything that will open your eyes to another world that you are not capable of witnessing in your professional life. If you are a student, read something completely unrelated to your subject. Reading books helps you to gain knowledge and gives a different perspective on life.

Here we are providing the names of the best literature novels to read for every student along with their importance.

Essential Novels for Students to Improve English

We are giving the 11 best novels that every student must read. Students who read these novels before graduation can improve their language skills and know life skills. Every novel listed here is best in its own way. So, try to read all these novels to gain knowledge.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Author: Dale Carnegie

Though this book was published back in 1936, the principles it teaches still hold today. The book teaches us how to be great leaders and better communicators, and teaches us how to handle people. This is the best novel for anyone who can’t handle social situations, and especially for those who cannot deal with difficult people. In this book, the author rules out 8 basic rules that everyone should follow in their life. So, by reading this novel, students can deal with any kind of people easily.

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret To A Long And Happy Life

Author: Hector Garcia And Albert Liebermann

In Japan, millions of people have read this book, and this gives them the power and inspiration to jump out of the bed every morning. The idea of Ikigai is based on the convergence of four primary elements:

  • The things you love (your passion)
  • The things the world need (your mission)
  • The things you are skilled at ( your vocation)
  • The things you are paid to do (your profession)

This is one of the essential novels for the student who wonders what you should do to lead a happy and fulfilled life. It will surely guide you to make the right decision for your future.

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As a Men Thinketh

Author: James Allen

It is a literacy essay by James Allen and was published in 1903. It explains how to deal with the power of thought, and with the application of thought to happy and beautiful issues. These two components are inseparable. A small book of 50 pages may take between an hour and two hours to read. In just 50 pages, it condensed the essence of life. Habits of the mind that determine our quality of life, require time and patience to establish and maintain.

The Side of Paradise

Author: F.Scott Fitzgerald

The classic novel The Side of Paradise is a book that every single college student should read before graduation. The story revolves around a Princeton student who becomes disillusioned with life after graduation.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Author: Robert Kiyosaki

In this book, the author writes about two fathers. One is a rich father (his friend’s father) and the other is a poor father ( his own father). The poor father has a library of college degrees while the rich father is a high school dropout. Throughout his life, the father who dropped out of school will become one of Hawaii’s richest men and pass his empire on to his son. The father would always say, “I can’t afford myself to treat like this.” while the son would always ask, “How do I treat myself?!”

As a result of their own experiences, two young boys in this book are taught some valuable lessons about money by their wealthy father. The most important lesson is to use your time and mind to create your own wealth through business and investment. Learn how to take advantage of opportunities, find solutions, take care of your business and investments, and most importantly discover how to make money work for you rather than in your favour.

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The Power of Habit

Author: Charles Duhigg

The power of habit will enable you to overcome dreadful chores to become effortless, light, and entertaining. With the power of habit, you will discover how to create new habits and rewrite old ones. Habits are the reason that some of us can perform certain tasks automatically. Student life can be extremely hectic, especially for those who are constantly racing against the clock. Establishing healthy habits as a student can make life easier.

One Hundred Years of Solitude

Author: Gabriel Gracia Marquez

One Hundred Years of Solitude is a more lighthearted Novels For Students. It does not end with a life lesson that you can learn from. In One Hundred Years of Solitude, one of the prevailing themes is the inevitable and inescapable repetition of history in Macondo. The protagonists are influenced by their pasts as well as the complexity of time. The characters are also visited by ghosts throughout the novel. It is one of the best novels that every student must read.


Author: Paulo Coelho

This is a fantastic book with a magical storyline about a Shepherd boy from Spain named Santiago who dreams of treasures buried inside the Pyramids of Egypt. This literature novel for students talks about the importance of the journey as much as your destination in our lives. The words chosen are impeccable and filled with wisdom and philosophy. The story is enticing and bursting with optimism, which I think is important to remember. Check other Best Books for Students that help you to improve your English language and reading skills.

A Farewell To Arms

Author: Ernest Hemingway

It is widely believed that Ernest Hemingway is one of the greatest American writers and that A Farewell to Arms is one of his greatest works. The author apparently rewrote it almost forty times in order to get it perfect, so it is surely a duty every student should read before they graduate!

The Art Of Happiness

Author: Dr. Howard Cutler

Together with Dr. Howard Cutler on the Art of Happiness provides readers with practical strategies for overcoming anxiety, insecurity, anger, and discouragement. The book explores relationships, loss, and wealth in a way that illustrates how to navigate life’s obstacles using an abiding source of inner peace.

Brave New World

Author: Aldous Huxley

Brave New World is a dark and satirical look into a utopian future where individuals are forced to struggle to fit into the system. Every student needs to read this book and ask themselves whether it is more important to accept things as they are or to fight for what makes them happy.

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FAQ’s on Literature Novels for Students Online

1. What is the best novel to Improve English?

There is a list of few novels that will help you to improve your English.

  • Midnight’s Children
  • The Guide
  • The White Tiger
  • In Custody
  • Lord of the Flies
  • The Giver

2. Does reading Novels improve English?

By reading level appropriate novels and books, you can increase your vocabulary, improve your grammar, and improve your writing. While reading won’t directly improve your spoken English, it can to some extent make it stronger through better vocabulary and reading out loud.

3. What are the 5 benefits of Reading?

  • Empathy can be gained from Reading.
  • Reading helps in keeping your brain healthy.
  • Reading helps in the reduction of Stress.
  • Reading helps you to sleep better.
  • Reading sets a good example for children.

4. What are the must-read Indian Novels?

  • Mahatma Gandhi- The Story Of Inspiration With Truth
  • A Fine Balance
  • A Suitable Boy
  • God of Small Things
  • Gitanjali
  • Rich Like Us.
  • Train To Pakistan


Hoping that the data shared here about the best Novels for Students are helpful to you. There is no shortcut to success and you have to work for everything including money, dreams, and luxury. There is no easy way to do any of these things, so don’t waste your time considering them. If you sleep tighter than you should when you burn the midnight oil, you’ll be sleeping less and less in the future, so keep your eyes open and be aware that the hard work you do will define you in long term. All these books will help you to mould your personality which will help you in long run.

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