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Best Casio Calculator for CA Students | Ways to Select the Best CA Student Calculator



Best Calculator for CA Students: The perception of the toughest courses and examinations, remains the Chartered Accountancy or CA course. Students work hard to their level best but only the top 2 percentile of them fortunately qualify. Foundation, intermediate and final is the three levels of the CA course having respective tough examinations for each named as Chartered Accountants India Exam or ICAI.

The study of the course and the examinations include extensive tough calculations of various topics like taxation, financial management, accounts, equations, etc. in which one silly mistake could bring down the entire examination and cause a barrier to your dreams.

To stop that, a precise, efficient, and powerful calculator comes in handy keeping into consideration the price, quality, and key features. In this article, we will share with you the best and most affordable calculators for CA students. Keep going to find out.

How to Choose the Best Calculator for CA Foundation?

best casio calculators for ca students

Here are the main points that you need to keep in your mind while buying a calculator to help you with your CA study and examinations. Let’s see quickly what these are:

  • Memory- 

To ensure accurate step calculations, your calculator will need to recheck the previous steps and make sure every step is correct. For this, the memory of your calculator must be very strong in order to access the previously done steps and recheck them.

  • Screen display-

The screen display of your calculator must be clear and precise enough for you to understand the numbers showing on the screen. The screen light and digits must be of clear resolution so that you can check them with just one glance and not waste your examination time understanding what is written.

  • Keys-

The keys of the calculator must be smooth and handy, not stiff. Special keys are provided in these calculators with respective color codes to help you access the calculator easily in times of urgency in the examination hall.

  • Size-

The size of your calculator must be convenient enough and lightweight to help you carry it anywhere rather than taking up much space or weight. Compact, precise, and travel-friendly calculators are in trend now that are fully operational yet easily slips into your bag or pocket. Make sure to check the size and weight while buying one.

  • Functions-

The efficiency of a calculator depends upon the number of types of mathematical calculation functions that it can be used for. The best calculator for you will be the one that does all sorts of calculative functions like trigonometry, arithmetic, tax calculations, statistics, etc. in the same place.

  • Durability-

Before buying a calculator you should check for its durability since good calculators can be pricey and should be a long-term investment. Hence, always make sure to check whether your calculator is fall-resistant, water-proof, crack-free, etc. for longevity to save both money and the environment.

  • Powersource-

To make sure how long your calculator works in one go, you will have to check for its power source, whether it is battery or solar. Before, heading to your examination, make sure your calculator is having a full charge.

  • Price & Quality- 

Good quality calculators can be a bit pricey but they are long-term investments yet don’t really need to be too fancy. Before buying any calculator, online or offline, make sure to check the user reviews and customer ratings of the respective products. If you are buying online, try searching for the same calculator on various websites to go for the best-discounted price.

You can also have a look at our articles Best laptops for college students and best budget 2 in 1 laptop.

Top 6 Best Calculators for CA Students

Below is a list of the top 6 best-researched calculators along with their pros and cons for all the CA foundational, intermediate or final course aspirants keeping into consideration all the aspects mentioned above. Also, you can finalize the best Casio calculator for ca students after referring to this list:

1. Casio MJ-12DA Desktop Calculator-

casio calculator for chartered accountant

This calculator is best for CA entrance examinations like ICAI because it is affordable and lag-free making it a very good option for fast-typers in limited-time examinations. It has a variety of features for accuracy and can recheck up to 150 calculation steps with the help of its auto-review key.

  • Light-weight and portable
  • Colour-coded keypad with a popular key layout.
  • Affordable.
  • 2-line LCD display.
  • 3-year warranty
  • Only the Indian format, hence can only be used by local members.

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2. Casio MJ-12GST Calculator-

ca student calculator

This calculator is a 12-digit key calculator which has dedicated slab keys along with the special Grand Total key for GST calculations. It has a 150 recheck steps option along with an Indian comma and decimal selector to make it awesome for tax-related calculations in CA entrance examinations.

  • Dedicated functions for GST calculations
  • Extensive step recheck and review option.
  • Big screen for display.
  • Has plastic keys that may be noisy in the examination hall.

3. Bambalio 12 digit BL-555M Electronic Calculator-

chartered accountant students best calculators

This calculator is best for CA intermediate examinations because of its high accuracy in performing complicated functions in calculations under taxation, financial management, and accountancy.

You can recheck multiple steps up to 112 and has super-fast grand-total ( GT ) and auto-review ( AR ) keys. It has an anti-scratch LCD display screen and comes with a warranty of 3 years on battery and 7 years on the solar panel.

  • Comes with a warranty of three years minimum.
  • Heavy plastic keys that don’t make noise.
  • Pocket-friendly and anti-slip pads at the corners to prevent breakage from falls.
  • Lack of special keys.

4. Bambalio BL-991ms 401 Scientific Calculator-

Bambalio BL-991ms 401 Scientific Calculator

This calculator is best for complex mathematical functions and has a 12-digit moderate color-coded keypad. It is battery-powered and has a 3-year warranty along with an additional slide-on case for better protection. This calculator is super lightweight and extremely durable.

  • Keys for a variety of mathematical functions.
  • Extensive step rechecks along with a color-coded keypad.
  • 2-line LCD big screen for display.
  • Keypad functionalities may show issues sometimes.

5. Casio FX-82MS 2nd Gen Scientific Calculator-

Casio FX-82MS 2nd Gen Scientific Calculator

This is a non-programmable scientific calculator that comes with an easy-to-carry sleek design with curved edges. Its 12-digit color-coded keypad helps with over 200 multiple mathematical functions. This comes with a 3-year warranty and is powered with an AAA battery which is again easily available and ensures long-term functions.

  • Allows a total of 240 mathematical functions.
  • Color-coded keypad for digit identification.
  • Additional slide-on hard case for protection.
  • Has a bad screen-viewing angle.
  • No comma system while typing numbers.

6. Xech Foldable LCD E-Writer-

This is a fancy-looking top-notch calculator that is a 12-digit calculator DigiFold and comes along with a 5.5-inch LCD Ewriter screen and Stylus 2. It is foldable, has an automatic shut-down mechanism in case of inactivity, and has a replaceable battery.

The stylus and LCD rough pad help you make notes and save them in the memory hence you don’t really need to carry papers everywhere. Just a calculator and you are good to go!

  • Don’t need separate paper or pen for notes.
  • Affordable and big-screen display.
  • Auto shut down.
  • Foldable hence travel-friendly
  • Not quite durable as compared to others.

FAQs on Best Online Calculators for Chartered Accountant Students

1. Which calculator is allowed in CA Exam?

CA aspirants are allowed to use battery-operated portable calculators with 6 or 12 functional keys and 2 memory sectors in all of their subjects.

2. Which calculator is best for CA intermediate students?

The Bambalio 12 digit BL-555M Electronic Calculator is the best calculator for CA intermediate students because of its high 112 step efficiency in solving various mathematical functions, super-fast GT, and AR keys. It also has a scratch-proof LCD display and is powered by both battery and solar panel each coming with a warranty of 3 years and 7 years respectively.

3. What is the best calculator app for CA students?

The best calculator app for working chartered accounts is the Hp12 C Financial Calculator which has an efficient RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) data entry, 1-line LCD display and is super easy to use. For information about other awesome calculators for CA aspirants follow the above guide “Best calculators for CA students”.

4. Which calculator is best for CA foundation students?

The Casio MJ-12DA Desktop calculator is the best calculator for CA foundation entrance examinations because it is a 12-digit color-coded calculator that has a 2-line LCD screen display, is extremely lightweight, solves a variety of mathematical functions, and comes with a 3year warranty.


Over 20 lakh students appear for CA which is one of the toughest as well as highly-paid carrier choices one could make. With that being said, the right tools and proper guidance are the keys to effective study and successful examinations.

Hope this article could help you choose the best calculator for you regardless of whether you belong to the foundation, intermediate or final section of the CA course. For more such articles stay tuned to and wish you All The Best for your exams.

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