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Happy Women’s Day 2022 WhatsApp Status Videos, Images, Wishes, Quotes | Speeches & Essays on 8th March Woman’s Day for Students



Happy International Women’s Day 2022 WhatsApp Status Videos, Images, Wishes, Messages, Greetings, Quotes, Speech, Long & Short Essays are provided here for you all to express and honor the women in the world. On this day, everyone celebrates the social, economic, cultural, political, many other achievements of women. Many freedom fighters & most influenced women out there in this world deserve a great honoring. They have been motivating many other women out to achieve equality with men irrespective of any field.

This Year, the theme of women’s day is ‘Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world’. To make your women feel special and happy on this day, we have curated some beautiful Womens’ day wishes, images, status, videos, speeches, quotes, Shayari, essays, etc. Check out the below modules and make use of the provided stuff regarding International Women’s day 2022 and greet all women who care for you and to whom you care and respect most.

Womens Day March 8

Happy Womens Day


2022 International Women’s Day WhatsApp Status Videos | Happy Women’s Day Status for WhatsApp

Here are a few Women’s day WhatsApp status videos to share on your handles and with your female friends and colleagues to greet at their achievements bagged in their toughest situations. Just continue your read till an end and find the best wishes, images, speeches, essays on International Woman’s Day 2022.

Happy International Women’s Day Images, Pictures, Photos & WhatsApp DP’s

pictures for woman's day 2021

happy international womens day 2021 images

international womens day 2021 wa dp

happy womens day 2021 WhatsApp profile pics

wa dp for women day 2021

Best Wishes for Women’s Day in English with Image

  • Women make us admire them. They make us love, they make us hate – in other words, they make us feel. And we, men, are really grateful to you for it. Thank you and a Happy Women’s Day!
  • May you always shine with charm,
    May you always live with love and passion,
    May your man cover you with roses.
    Congratulations on a special occasion – the 8th of March!
  • Dear aunty, may you always be so cheerful and charming. I wish you all the best in life on this special Women’s day!happy international woman's day wishes images 2021
  • You are as beautiful as a goddess,
    You are delicate like flowers,
    You need a lot of love
    And a lot of warmth!
    On this special day, the spring flowers bloom for you
    Much joy and love for all of you on the 8th of March!
  • Happy women’s day! There would be a lot of emptiness on the Earth if there weren’t light, love, hope, and faith, which you spread around.
  • Let you always shine like the Sun
    Let the smile always decorate your lips
    Let the blue violets play in your eyes.
    Have a wonderful Women’s Day!
  • Dear women, Be happy, be strong and never give up because you are the sun to many people’s worlds. Happy women’s day!

Happy International Woman’s Day Wishes in Telugu | అంతర్జాతీయ మహిళా దినోత్సవం కొటేషన్లు

  • అభివృద్ధి చెందుతున్న సమాజం.. అర్థరహిత సమజాపు మధ్య తేడానే మహిళా విజయం -మిచెల్లీ ఒబామా
  • ఏవిషయంలోనైనా పురుషులకి పోటీగా మహిళలు రాణించగలరు, మానసిక సామర్థ్యం వారికి అదనపు బహుమతి -మహాత్మాగాంధీ
  • చరిత్ర సృష్టించాలంటే సమాజం దృష్టిలో మంచి నడవడిక ఉండక్కర్లేదు -ఎల్నార్ రూజ్‌వెల్ట్

8th march women day wishes images in hindi

  • తీవ్రవాదులను అతిగా భయపెట్టేది పుస్తకం పట్టుకున్న మహిళే -మలాలా
  • ప్రపంచంలో మహిళల శక్తిని ఎవరూ ఆపలేరు -హిల్లరీ క్లింటన్
  • స్తీ లేకపోతే జననం, మరణం లేదు, స్త్రీ లేకపోతే గమనమే లేదు, అసలు పుట్టుకనేదే లేదు – ఓ మహిళ

नारी दिवस पर शुभकामनाये | Women’s Day Wishes in Hindi

  • पृथ्वी की-सी क्षमता, सूर्य जैसा तेज, समुद्र की-सी गम्भीरता, चन्द्रमा की-सी शीतलता, पर्वतों की-सी मानसिक उच्चता हमें एक साथ नारी के ह्रदय में दृष्टिगोचर होती है।
  • नारी में शक्ति अपार हैं,
    नारी इस सृष्टि का आधार हैं,
    नारी का हमेशा सम्मान करो क्योंकि
    नारी ही नर के जीवन का सार हैं.
  • माँ, बहन, पत्नी, बेटी है वो,
    जीवन के हर सुख-दुःख में शामिल है वो.
    हैप्पी विमेंस डे
  • कोई भी देश यश के शिखर पर तब तक नहीं पहुंच सकता जब तक उसकी महिलाएं कंधे से कन्धा मिला कर ना चलें।

happy international womens day 2021 wishes image in hindi

  • नारी जीवन हाय तुम्हारी यही कहानी,
    आंचल में हैं दूध और आँखों में पानी.
    हैप्पी विमेंस डे
  • अब तो तू अपनी शक्ति को पहचान,
    कृष्ण से पहले लोग लेते हैं राधा का नाम.
    Happy International Women’s Day
  • वह दया, करुणा, ममता और प्रेम की पवित्र मूर्ति है और समय पड़ने पर प्रचण्डचण्डी भी। नारी मनुष्य के जीवन की जन्मदात्री है।
  • औरतें प्यार करने के लिए बनी हैं, समझने के लिए नहीं।

2022 Happy International Women’s Day Speech for Children in English, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu

Long & Short Essays on March 8 Women’s Day 2022 for Students

Women’s Day is celebrated globally on the 8th March of every year. It’s the day for praising women who work hard each day to accomplish individual and professional goals. All across the world, different events take place including movements or march to observe International Women’s Day.

There are some countries where women are not treated equally. In these countries, protests are observed for the liberation of women. For many people, the role of women is limited to household chores only. However, this needs to change as women deserve equal freedom and opportunities in everything like men. The world is moving towards gender equality. It is moving towards a balance between both men and women. A change is required and is also essential. It is observed that men have had more advantages in every sphere of life in comparison to women since ages.

However, this needs a change as we all are humans and should be treated equally with equal rights and opportunities. On International Women’s Day, everyone appreciates the women in their lives. Everyone acknowledges the worth and significance of women in their lives, and their tremendous contribution to society as well.

Short Essay on Empowerment of Women

In recent years, the empowerment of women is recognized globally as a key element to achieving progress in all areas. In the last twenty-five years, there have been global efforts with strong support from the United Nations to understand discrimination and restore the status of women. The United Nations General Assembly declared the International Year of Women in 1975 followed by the International Women’s Decade.

Women have largely remained backward in the advances of science and technology. Various macro indicators related to their education, employment, health, and participation in economic activities attest that gender inequalities and women’s vulnerability stand stark, despite numerous initiatives.

10 Lines on International Women’s Day in English 2022 March 8

Wrapping Up

We hope the above-furnished information regarding the International Women’s Day 2022 Whatsapp Status Videos, helps you honor the strong and beautiful women out there. You can download the Women’s Day Whatsapp Status Videos, Images, Wishes, Quotes for free of cost and share with your near and dear ones. If you find the International Women’s Day Whatsapp Videos helpful spread the word among social handles such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc. Keep in touch with our site to avail latest updates on related articles in no time.

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